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Tracy Bilen is a high school French and Spanish teacher in Michigan where
she lives with her husband and two children. Before moving to Michigan,
Tracy taught at a ski school for high school students in Vermont
(Spanish, not skiing!). She studied at the Sorbonne in Paris and taught
English in Strasbourg, France. She enjoys cross-country skiing and walks
in the woods. Her debut young adult novel, What She Left Behind, will be released by Simon Pulse on May 1, 2012.
1. First
of all, I'm really curious, is there a writer who exercised an
ascendancy over your writing? And if the answer is "yes", then who was
think you’re asking if there is another writer who has influenced my
writing style - I have to say that there was no one in particular, but
rather, as a whole, all of the fantastic YA fiction that I’ve read has
helped me find my own voice.
2. While you're writing, do you ever think about the reaction your readers will have? Or do you just let the story flow?
really. At the beginning stages, I’m just writing down the scenes that I
see in my head. And when I’m editing, I try to reword them in the most
effective way.
3. When you were little, you wanted to be a writer? Or it just happened this way?
I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian, but as I grew up I
realized that I hated formaldehyde. From a rather young age – I would
say fifth grade, I got a lot of positive feedback for the stories I
wrote for school. And since I was a people pleaser, I fed off of that,
until I realized that it was actually fun too.
4. Let's pretend for a moment you have the power to go back in time. Who would you like to meet?
thinking too hard about it, I’m going to say Mark Twain. Because I
really liked Huckleberry Fin and Twain seems like an interesting
character himself.
5. From where did the idea for "What She Left Behind" come?
It was just an image I saw in my head: of a girl, a field, a suitcase, and a gun.
6. And... I know it's a childish question, but do you have a favorite book?
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.
7. What's your favorite character from your book? And of course, why?
I’ll have to go with Alex, the guy Sara falls in love with. Because don’t we all wish all guys could be so sweet?
8. Is there something that you’d like to say to your actual or maybe future Romanian readers?
think it’s great that you’re open to books from other parts of the
world. Thanks so much for letting me share my story and characters with
Cartile autoarei

Mie una coperta imi place foarte mult. De asemenea, Tracy m-a directionat si catre trailer-ul cartii
Eu una chiar vreau sa citesc cartea aceasta. Mi-a starnit interesul inca din momentul in care am vazut coperta.
Ştiu demult cartea şi mă rog să se publice şi la noi :))
RăspundețiȘtergereUuu, am şi eu ochi albaştri <3
~ Ai aici o leapşă şi un premiu de la mine :3 -
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